Skywise Ecosystem

Skywise integrates your aircraft data with your IT stack to provide you all the tools you need to navigate your world and interact with the rest of it.

Skywise ecosystem
Skywise ecosystem mobile



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Skywise Solutions

The industry data platform [ purpose-built ] to address Aircraft Operations Challenges.



Challenges to consider

Modern, digital solutions require advanced technical expertise when it comes to building highly available, scalable and secured infrastructures.

Designing state-of-the-art architectures is not easy, especially when experts have to make do with large mosaics of fundamentally different technologies that need to fit together seamlessly. 

Furthermore, data-intensive applications often require a high level of transparency with respect to data governance, data lineage, activity trace logs and data-leakage. All of which makes developing digital solutions a challenging task in a world where fast iterations and quick decision-making are incompatible with long development and testing cycles.

Skywise considerably facilitates the entire development workflow by packaging all the required data, tooling and robust infrastructure in one platform, behind a user-friendly interface. Skywise does the heavy lifting and allows end-users to focus on solving business challenges rather than IT ones. 

Moreover, Skywise makes it easy for the outputs of one application to automatically become the insights of another business unit, so that both data silos and decision silos are broken.

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Mosaic of Solutions

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Learning Curve

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Knowledge Silos



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Skywise Store & App Editors Programme

Discover how to improve immediately your aircraft operations with Skywise Apps.