Improve passenger experience
Extra space, more smiles
L bins offer an increase in cabin baggage capacity thanks to vertical loading of suitcases. Passengers enjoy easier stowage and retrieval of their carry-ons, leading to less stress and a significant improvement of the passenger experience. A beautiful cabin, featuring the Airspace design, provides a seamless experience across both brand new A320 aircraft and retrofitted ones.

Unlock new revenue opportunities
The increased cabin baggage capacity can support new ancillary revenue opportunities. Explore a flexible chargeable carry-on policy, or utilise the newly freed-up cargo space for increased revenue streams.

Cost effective retrofit solution
L bins are the most simple solution for bin retrofit on A320 Family, designed for a quick 3-5 day installation. This drastically reduces aircraft downtime, minimising lost revenue and maximising your return on investment. The speed and cost-effectiveness of L bins make them a compelling financial choice.

Streamline operations
L bins enhance operational efficiency in several ways. Faster passenger boarding and disembarkation improves turnaround times and maximises aircraft utilisation. The efficient bin design also contributes to a more comfortable and efficient work environment for cabin crew.
Got a question
How much does the L bins retrofit cost?
The cost of retrofitting varies depending on several factors. Contact us for a personalised quote tailored to your specific needs. We'll walk you through the costs and the potential ROI.
What is the difference between L bins and XL bins?
Both offer similar bag capacity and passenger experience. Airspace L bins are optimised for plug & play retrofit on enhanced cabins. Airspace XL bins offer slightly bigger volume and feature additional underbin light strip.