Ease your aircraft entry-into-service
We support you
Airbus Customer Care assists you before your aircraft delivery to ensure a smooth entry-into-service, connecting you with our experts to empower your team during this strategic stage.
Your Customer Support Director (CSD) will smartly guide you towards a safe and robust start of operations, getting your teams familiar with our Customer Care interfaces and prepared with materials, spares, Aircraft manuals, e-Operations, tools and training.

Count on privileged Customer Care partners
Your CSDs coordinate the strategic period of EIS preparation as a project. By involving at the right time the relevant Customer Care functions and experts, customers become familiar with Airbus' comprehensive Customer Care package associated with the purchase of an Airbus aircraft. To be ready to operate on D-day, customers are assisted with their readiness preparation for Materials & Tools, Training, Maintenance & Flight Operations manuals, and Flight Operations.

Relay with our On-site technical & engineering experts
Airbus Field Service Representatives (FSR) are nominated for a commonly agreed duration to act as a privileged Engineering & Maintenance relay within customer facilities. FSR activities are established in the frame of the EIS preparation phase. They contribute to customer operational efficiency, from the start of operations.

Benefit from our Initial provisioning solutions & Material support
Satair can support your entry-into-service by providing you with spares recommendation studies for the best protection at minimum investment. Satair’s tailored and cost efficient Initial Provisioning packages include buy-back options and services credits. The Material Readiness Support is created as part of the planning process of an aircraft’s entry-into-service. Along with this, Satair provides the Recommended Spare Parts List (RSPL), together with Spares Consulting to help customers select the right parts that will be needed.

Upskill your team with our standard trainings
Ensuring your teams are trained for the entry-into-service phase is one of the key areas to plan. Our extensive Training portfolio covers all your team profiles, from pilots and flight crew to the cabin crew and maintenance and structure specialists.
Our training solutions are designed to bring you the flexibility you need, with Airbus training Centres located around the world, but also the possibility to carry them out at your own facility or by using remote solutions such as e-Trainings.