Type Rating
Flight Training Courses
Our Type Rating courses are composed of several modules that can be combined according to your operational and pilots' needs and are fully CBTA integrated and compliant.
Our Type Ratings can be combined with Base Training or Zero Flight Time Training (which can include FFS Handling Session) courses and Line Flying Under Supervision (LIFUS) (also referred to as Initial Operating Experience (IOE)).
Intermediate phase modules and the HUD course can be fully integrated into the Type Rating course, leading to an overall reduction in the full course duration.
To support your Airbus pilots to obtain another Airbus aircraft rating, we propose our Cross-Crew Qualification or Difference courses. Your pilot will benefit from a high quality standard training on a shorter and adapted rating course.

Base training
The aim of the course is to train in an aeroplane in-flight under the supervision of the Type Rating Instructor (TRI).
This training course focuses on the take-off and landing phases.
According to EASA standards, each Type Rating training must be followed by the Base Training, which consists in a standard flight training programme in the actual aircraft.

Zero Flight Time training session
For operators whose authorities require a specific ZFTT course in their national regulations
The aim of the course is to replace the base training required to endorse the Type Rating qualification.
This will allow the consolidation of the take-off and the landing phase in simulator before commencing Initial Operating Experience (IOE or Line Flying Under Supervision - LIFUS).