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Unique passenger experience

  • Unique cabin experience
  • Innovative technologies
  • Network efficiency

Reference in Long-distance travel

The A380 is a truly unique aircraft in more ways than one, and will continue to fly our skies for years to come. Just as its capabilities and operations are unique, connecting mega-cities across the world with the latest technology and cabin comfort, the A380’s services and support footprint will continue to enable operators to get the most out of this incredible aircraft.

Experience the Grandeur of the Sky with the A380

Unique operations deserve outstanding support

Just like the A300 is still flying today and being fully supported by Airbus, the A380 is no different. Operators will continue to receive the same Airbus support and services for decades to come as for all our in-service aircraft.

A380 in-flight © AIRBUS S.A.S 2014 - photo by master films / A.DOUMENJOU

Unique capabilities optimise profitability

Although production of the A380 has ceased, the aircraft’s benefits and value continue to respond to operator challenges and needs. Even though the COVID pandemic has brought aircraft traffic to a stop, mega-cities have continued to grow. As traffic continues to recover, the A380 will remain the best solution for congested airports in the future and to maintain links between mega hubs.

A350 and A380 in flight

Offering an unparalleled cabin

The A380 will continue to be the only aircraft to offer full cabin segmentation with its double deck. Operators can fully leverage a full deck dedicated to premium passengers (FC and J), while allocating another full deck to economy passengers and still reach over 400 economy passengers.

No other aircraft can have customised cabins, with lounges, showers and luxurious suites. It is no wonder that the A380 continues to be a passenger favourite.

Discover the Airspace cabins
A380 Airspace Cabin Business-class
  • Airbus FHS


    Airbus Flight Hour Services is a material & maintenance service based on a contractual fixed hourly-rate payment.

    Learn more
  • Skywise Success Stories


    The industry data platform [ purpose-built ] to address Aircraft Operations Challenges.

  • A320 Airspace

    Cabin & Connectivity Upgrades

    For maximum efficiency and enhanced in-flight experience


Meet the Airbus aircraft families