Customer voice

Benefit from sharing your customer experience with us

customer satisfaction

Your point of view matters to us

We care about improving your experience. By combining your customer point of view with our fleet-wide overview of in-service aircraft operations, we’ll make it fly better.

Our goal is to provide you with a positive Customer Care experience all along your aircraft’s life cycle, long before, during and after the delivery of your aircraft.

Person working in front of screens

Daily operational feedback

Whenever customers send us requests via TechRequest or consult an In-Service Information (ISI) article, feedback can be expressed to share your level of satisfaction with our solution, regardless of the customer’s role.

customer satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction Improvement Programme (CSIP)

The CSIP is a survey sent to customers in order to measure and improve customer satisfaction across Airbus Services' entire range of activities. The objective is to analyse the results and trends to determine areas of improvement. A consolidated view of the findings and action plans is shared only with our customers.