women in a desert

Airbus Services transforms your challenges into opportunities

The care behind your team

Ready to get back to the skies at pre-pandemic levels?

We have seen air traffic quickly recover to pre-pandemic levels. While this is encouraging, the industry still faces a variety of challenges that are hindering the pace of its recovery. At the same time, new and exciting opportunities are constantly emerging. Taking action now can be critical to reaping all of the benefits. At Airbus Services, we are the care behind your team and our tailor-made solutions can help you transform your challenges into opportunities.

We can tackle your most pressing challenges

    A350 cockpit with pilots

    Lack of resources

    Engineers, pilots & mechanics

    Beluga xl

    Supply chain constraints

    Spares & repair management



    Fuel optimisation, SAF, Direct Air Carbon Capture

    A350 Airspace

    Innovation as a differentiator

    Connectivity, Skywise big data & solutions


    Ready to transform your challenges into opportunities?

    Contact us