A220 | Purpose-built for easy integration

Turnkey solutions to facilitate the integration of the A220 into your fleet

At a glance




Airbus’ turnkey EIS packages support you in setting up or adapting your maintenance organisation and optimising flight operations while minimising your upfront investment.

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Following your Entry-into-Service, Airbus Services supports you for all critical operational topics providing around-the-clock care and regional customer support. As an Airbus Customer, you get the same level of support as for any other aircraft type.

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Maintenance becomes more simple with the A220’s commonality and state-of-the-art features. Combined with Airbus Flight Hour Services and Satair everything is covered from tools, consumables and expendables to proprietary and standard part management and distribution.

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Integrating a new aircraft into your fleet may be perceived as a challenge, especially when looking at the upfront investment needed to set up or adapt your maintenance organisation and flight operations.

Airbus’ turnkey Entry-Into-Services (EIS) packages support you in carrying out these activities while minimising the global upfront investment.

A220-300 AirBaltic © AIRBUS 2019 - Photo by O. DALE

Your Entry-Into-Service with Airbus



Airbus has the flexibility to offer a full range of services related to the setup of your maintenance strategy and provide you with engineering and operational support for the A220’s integration into your fleet. Our EIS package is customisable to your needs and organisation to deliver the best level of service. We can also design and deliver a Maintenance Program for you when you sign a Flight Hour Services Contract (FHS) contract to cover your new A220 fleet.

Flight Operations


NAVBLUE offers a full suite of flight operation solutions as for all aircraft families EIS. The offer consists of a core bundle solution, which is part of the Purchase Agreement, and optional services tailored to your needs.

The full suite of on-board and ground operation solutions provided includes Plan & Control (Flight planning, Tracking, Ops & crew), Fly & Navigate (Flysmart+, Mission+, Doc Management Services), Analyze & Optimize (Performance, Fuel & flight efficiency, Airspace Design, Airline Ops Support, Consulting), Manage risks (Flight data analysis).

Did you know that FHS can help minimise your global upfront investment?

Navblue NTracking east coast cropped

Breeze Airways has chosen NAVBLUE solutions to smooth the Entry-Into-Service of its A220 fleet




Following your Entry-Into-Service, Airbus Services also supports you for all critical operational topics related to Aircraft On Ground (AOG), Supply Chain, Embodiment setup as well as any daily query you might have to operate and maintain your A220.

As an Airbus Customer, you get the same level of support as for any other aircraft type, and keep the same privileged contacts as for the rest of your Airbus fleet.

Three people in call

Customer Care interfaces

Your key interfaces to ensure the highest level of safety & customer satisfaction

Airbus worldwide support infrastructure 

The A220 worldwide network is supported 24/7 by the state-of-the-art Customer Response Centre (CRC) in Canada.

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The A220 was designed with maintenance and customer’s needs in mind. Its maintenance philosophy is based on the principle of reliability and better maintainability, integrating customer services teams from the initial design of the aircraft in order to make sure that future maintenance tasks would be kept as easy as possible.

Designed together for the highest commonality

Family commonality is very high between the A220-100 and the A220-300, above 99 % of the line-replaceable units (LRUs), as well as the same family of engines. This allows a common spare inventory which reduces investment and maintenance costs as well as training costs for mechanics and crew. 

A220 Family Commonality

Built for easy maintenance, delivering less downtime

The extensive use of advanced materials such as composites in the wings, empennage and rear fuselage, making up more than 40% of the aircraft’s primary structure – reduces weight and increases corrosion resistance, resulting in better efficiency and maintainability.

The A220 has longer maintenance intervals: 850 hours for “A” checks and 8,500 hours for “C” checks as a result of its optimised maintenance programme, advanced systems integration and high-technology engine design.

A220 Maintenance Checks

What our Customers say

Complete overnight in one shift [...] Virtually no findings [...] Very easy to follow compared to other type aircraft.

Swiss Maintenance Staff

Aircraft Health Management System

The A220 benefits from a best-in-class Health Management System (HMS). This aircraft has been designed to be Big Data ready! As for the other aircraft of the Airbus family, HMS provides a live supervision of the aircraft systems while they are still flying. 

The solution gathers real-time aircraft data and benefits from automated wireless transmission on ground, providing the teams with instant data for an efficient management of unscheduled maintenance to prevent interruptions and perform proactive maintenance thanks to trend analysis tools.

A220 Big Data

Digital Solutions

Additionally Airbus is continuously investing in making the A220 one of the most connected aircraft and ease its maintenance. From 2022, Skywise Predictive Maintenance and Skywise Reliability Premium will be available for the A220 and more to come.


Skywise Digital Solutions

Reduce operational interruptions to the minimum

Maintenance & Material Services

On top of the customised EIS package, for complete peace of mind, Airbus Flight Hour Services can take care of your entire material supply and aircraft maintenance. This complete solution will ease your maintenance organisation setup, secure your operations whilst reducing your financial risk and upfront investments. We also propose services for parts repair, exchanges, lease by SATAIR, Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) spare parts and Component On Demand.

Airbus FHS

Get access to an exclusive inventory

A220 Line replaceable units at your main base


Get all the necessary parts

To operate your A220

A220-300 reveal: first arrival in Airbus livery 13 - © AIRBUS 2018 - photo by S. Ramadier

Get a tailored support package

for your Maintenance activities


Continue exploring the A220

Purpose-built for flexible operations

Open new routes and grow your existing network with the flexible and versatile A220 Family.

A220 Airspace cabin

Purpose-built for maximum profitability

Maximise profitability with the A220’s unbeatable cost efficiency and revenue generating capabilities - including one of the most comfortable single-aisle cabins your passengers will love.

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