At a glance





Airbus’ commonality philosophy ensures harmonisation across Airbus products, optimising pilot and maintenance training costs across the board.

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The A350 Family’s high degree of spares and tooling commonality coupled with Airbus’ Flight Hour Services component management solution helps operators simplify and lower their operating costs.

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The Trent XWB engine has been designed to reduce costs and increase efficiency through commonality, across spares, tooling, training and maintenance procedures.

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From the A320 to the A350, all Airbus aircraft have been developed following the same fly-by-wire philosophy and similar flight deck layouts.

A330 and A350 cockpit commonality

Flight deck commonality benefits

  • Shorter trainings for pilots between different aircraft types
  • Pilots can hold more than one type qualification
  • Reduced number of flight crews
  • Higher flight crew productivity     

This cockpit commonality allows pilots to move from one aircraft type to another within short training periods and to handle more than one type qualification to fly different aircraft types at the same time. 

One of the great commonality examples within the Airbus widebody family is with regards the A330 and the A350 cockpit commonality. 

Airbus has been granted regulatory approval of a Common Type Rating (CTR, difference training course) for A330 and A350, based on handling similarities.

11 days training to move from A320 aircraft type to the A350 8 days training to move from A330 aircraft type to the A350 11 days training to move from A340 aircraft type to the A350 7 days training to move from A330 aircraft type to the A380

A330 pilots are expected to qualify on the A350 in 8 working days without mandated Full Flight Simulator time.

Using the same principle, the A350 pilots can benefit from a reduced Type Rating to be also qualified on A330.

Dry Full Fly Simulator

Find out more about Flight Training

A350 cockpit

Visit the A350 Cockpit as if you were there




The commonality philosophy between the A350-900 and A350-1000 also trickles down to the aircraft systems. This high degree of spares and tooling commonality within the A350 Family reduces the associated investment costs when both aircraft types are operated together.



When it comes to maintenance training between different aircraft families (A330 to A350 for example), operators can have their mechanics undergo Cross Mechanic Qualifications, which is essentially a shortened licensed B1/B2 mechanics training between certain aircraft types.

This advantage translates into having a reduction in the number of mechanics by economies of scale and increasing mechanic productivity.

Learn more on Maintenance Training


In addition to reducing operators’ upfront investment, an Airbus FHS contract has the advantage of bringing predictability to component maintenance costs - $20M in savings on upfront investment costs

Flight Hour Services (FHS)

FHS-Components is the best solution to further streamline the management of your spare parts, while optimising your costs and transforming your upfront investment from CAPEX into OPEX.

FHS-Components offers guaranteed availability of all primary Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) spare parts, to keep your aircraft flying. It also provides you with exclusive inventory at your main base and selected outstations, backed up by unlimited pool access to deliver a guaranteed service level. In addition, through accurate reliability monitoring, we track and improve your components‘ performance.

Airbus FHS

Get more info about FHS-Components

First Sichuan Airlines A350-900 take off

Sichuan Airlines signs FHS contract to cover entire A350 fleet

A350 900 RR Turkish Airlines

Turkish Technic A350 FHS component pool agreement with Airbus




The A350 Family’s commonality reduces maintenance costs not only through simplification of system architectures, maintenance procedures and reductions in spare holdings but also by having the leanest maintenance programme.

The Trent XWB engine has been designed specifically for the A350 and it benefits from an optimised performance and commonality across its two thrust versions, the Trent XWB-84 and the Trent XWB-97. 

Optimised commonality contributes to reducing costs and increasing efficiency across LRUs and IP, tooling, training and maintenance procedures, enabling an airline to operate both Airbus A350-900 & A350-1000 within their fleet with maximum efficiency and operability.




More commonality. Better integration.

When considering the A350, the question of integration into your current fleet will be paramount. Commonality across the cockpit, systems and engine reduces your upfront investment, training costs and generally simplifies operations.This integration is made even smoother when opting for FHS-Components to streamline spare parts management.  

Using the same Airbus philosophy the A350 cabin has also been designed with commonality in mind. The award-winning Airspace cabin ensures a consistent premium passenger experience across your fleet and gives operators even more revenue generating capabilities.


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A350-1000 Airbus MSN065 in flight

Less Operating Cost. More Capabilities

Lower your costs and increase profit generation capabilities with the A350, versus direct competition.

A350 take off

Less Weight. Less Fuel. More Sustainable.

Improve your environmental footprint with the A350. The most eco-efficient aircraft in its category with 25% less fuel burn and CO2 emissions per seat.

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