Airbus Consulting Services is the result of a 50 years successful story and Airbus' commitment on developing air transport.
"With decades of experience in buying, selling and operating aircraft we are your people in the business, steering you away from problems and allowing you to anticipate and adapt for the future" Amrish PATHACK, Head of Airbus Consulting Services
From strategic advisory to capability assistance, Airbus Consulting Services brings all Airbus knowledge, helps to understand and to face challenges in order to improve business margins, depending on Customers profile:
As undeniably the most global of industries, new opportunities and challenges are always on the airlines’ horizon. In this particularly context-sensitive sphere, agility is vital. From an on-demand economy reshaping passengers’ expectations to pandemics paralysing a borderless world, airlines have to continuously reinvent themselves to survive - and excel.
Airbus experts are committed to bring Airbus’ intelligence through pioneering, effective and actionable solutions, to maximise opportunities with sharp organisational, operational and commercial strategies.
Airbus Consulting Services has been working very closely with Uganda Airlines' team since the beginning to secure our operations. Both commercial and operational sides have been continuously reinforced to ensure our successful growth and prepare our future long range operations
Cornwell Muleya, CEO Uganda Airlines
Aircraft maintenance is about increasing mechanic hours productivity by a proper production planning, execution and control. Rotables and consumables are the blood of the MRO. The right spare needs to be at the right place and right time without compromising the passenger experience and business profitability.
Airbus experts comes from the MRO shop floor and MRO executive positions. They decrypt the market trends and define competitive advantage. They support to reach the operational excellence and increase business performance and business margins.
Airports are nowadays more and more complex systems requiring coordination with a wide ecosystem of stakeholders. Adaptation and reactivity are also key to be able to address current and future challenges, meet customers’ expectations and secure air transport development.
Airbus experts support to anticipate and adapt to new market opportunities and trends, new airport equipment and aircraft, new regulations. Also they help to improve operations and secure development strategy.
Airbus is an industrial company with a complex supply chain (more than 12,000 direct suppliers and 180 locations worldwide) subjected to stringent requirements and regulations, intending to show the way to prepare altogether the future.
Airbus Consulting Services goes beyond aerospace industry and is also addressing supplier domain in other industries: space, helicopter, car, boat or rail.
Airbus experts support in optimising organisation, supply chain, manufacturing, customer support and services and sharing best practices using benefits from its supply chain knowledge.
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