CAMO Services
Our Continuing Airworthiness services, offered in combination with other Airbus services, ensures a hassle-free, integrated solution for Lessors and Airlines alike. We are an EASA approved CAMO Part M subpart G & I organisation (Certification number FR.CAMO.0085)
As OEM, Airbus provides significant product and fleet knowledge, as well as a direct link with Engineering functions and experience in working with National Aviation Authorities.

Flight Services
Our highly experienced and dedicated team provides an extensive range of flight services including:
Offer 1 - Ferry Flight
The Lessor/Operator can request the aircraft to be moved from any location to the desired location
Offer 2 - Test and Demo Flight
The Lessor/Operator can request a test flight before the delivery or re-redelivery of the in-service aircraft
Offer 3 - Maintenance Check flights
Maintenance Check flights follow ISATFM (In-Service Aircraft Test Flight Manual), remaining within the certification envelope. They are performed by Airbus Flight Test pilots and Flight Test engineers supported by Ground Test engineers.