We offer a variety of solutions to meet talent shortage
Over the next 20 years, the aviation industry will face a critical talent shortage; 585,000 plus pilots and more than 640,000 technicians as well as many engineers will be needed to meet ever growing air traffic demand.
Are you confident you have the necessary people resources to maintain your fleet and ensure uninterrupted service in your operations? Airbus offers a variety of solutions to meet this talent shortage.

Airbus Flight Academy: Ab initio services for airlines to train future pilots.
Airbus Flight Training: Flight training is designed to develop operationally-ready pilots all along their career, via the Competence Based Training and Assessment (CBTA) learning concept.
Maintenance Training Services: Basic, Type Rating, Structure and Continuation.

Maintenance outsourcing
Flight Hour Services: A material and maintenance service that covers more than 1,300 Airbus aircraft around the world, reducing the number of supplier interfaces to just one.

Engineering task delegation
Airbus Customer Care: Bringing maintenance expertise at the service of your engineering teams, for 24/7 technical guidance, or even task delegation.

Digital transformation
Skywise Core X: An industry data platform that delivers real-time data for sustainable and autonomous decision-making. This has demonstrated an increase of engineers’ efficiency thanks to automated data collecting and correlating.